We are so glad you are interested in joining us!
Idaho Event Professionals is working hard to build an amazing community for its members, that is more than just networking. Let's be honest, business is hard enough, and a little extra support and encouragement, paired with amazing coworkers, education, new and exciting opportunities for personal growth and professional development, will only make us all better.
IEP believes in building and fostering a better event industry for all of us; where we can
rely on and trust those around us to do their part, not just at the events we work,
but for the community as a whole.
It all starts with you.
In order for IEP to become the industry recognized seal of quality we are aiming for,
your membership and participation in what we do, matters.
So here's to making Idaho's Event Industry one of the best, one step at a time.
Idaho Event Professionals is working hard to build an amazing community for its members, that is more than just networking. Let's be honest, business is hard enough, and a little extra support and encouragement, paired with amazing coworkers, education, new and exciting opportunities for personal growth and professional development, will only make us all better.
IEP believes in building and fostering a better event industry for all of us; where we can
rely on and trust those around us to do their part, not just at the events we work,
but for the community as a whole.
It all starts with you.
In order for IEP to become the industry recognized seal of quality we are aiming for,
your membership and participation in what we do, matters.
So here's to making Idaho's Event Industry one of the best, one step at a time.
Subscribe to our general email list to receive the latest information about our events and projects!
Membership in 2024
Your Membership Includes
- Discounted tickets to all IEP Events
- Listing on IEP Website, with a direct link to your business website (Boosts SEO!)
- Social Media feature
- Membership Badge to display on your website & social media
- Business support from other event professionals
- Priority preference for content creation and vendor events
- Access to members-only events & pricing
- Membership Plaque for Vendor Show Booths
- Business Ethics Training
- Access to IEP Members Website, which includes links to meeting minutes and agendas, event tickets, vendor contact lists, and media
Cost of IEP Membership for new members in 2024
New Memberhsips will be temporarily unavailable until Tuesday, Jan 22nd while the backlinks are all
updated on our end.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Become A Member of IEP, and be a part of something bigger
Please note, that when you join IEP, you will be asked to:
- fill out a form (one for each business you wish to list on our website)
- submit a photo for our website (please be ready with this! *Max size - 20MB*
- pay your dues
Once you pay your dues you will have access to our Members Only content, and at the top of that page, you will need to subscribe to our Members Only emailing list.
This is important because if you do not subscribe, you WILL miss out on some of your member benefits.
This is important because if you do not subscribe, you WILL miss out on some of your member benefits.
Want to be an even bigger part of IEP?
Stay in the know in our Facebook Group!
- Event Professionals ONLY! -
Make sure you answer the questions when you ask to join so we know who you are
and how you are involved in the industry! *Your request to join will not be approved, otherwise.
- Event Professionals ONLY! -
Make sure you answer the questions when you ask to join so we know who you are
and how you are involved in the industry! *Your request to join will not be approved, otherwise.
Where does my money go?
We want to be transparent with you!
Your membership dues and event tickets play a pretty big role in how IEP functions, and we want you to know exactly what you are paying for.
Part of your dues go toward covering the out of pocket expenses IEP has for your membership benefits.
Another way IEP uses your membership dues, is to help pay for the parties and events we host for you. We do our best to negotiate with the amazing vendors who help us out, but we are also vendors, and we believe that fairly compensating the vendors who help us put on these events is crucial to everyone's success.
Your membership dues and event tickets play a pretty big role in how IEP functions, and we want you to know exactly what you are paying for.
Part of your dues go toward covering the out of pocket expenses IEP has for your membership benefits.
Another way IEP uses your membership dues, is to help pay for the parties and events we host for you. We do our best to negotiate with the amazing vendors who help us out, but we are also vendors, and we believe that fairly compensating the vendors who help us put on these events is crucial to everyone's success.
And then, of course, there are the little overhead things, like the website and domain name, and any of the marketing, mailing, software and/or printing we do throughout the year to promote IEP and IEP events.
Your lunch money pretty much only pays for lunch itself (prices these days), including a tip for our servers, because we all know what it is like to work in the service industry.
It is also important to point out, that the board members for IEP are strictly volunteer based, and do not receive any form of financial compensation for their time and efforts.
Your lunch money pretty much only pays for lunch itself (prices these days), including a tip for our servers, because we all know what it is like to work in the service industry.
It is also important to point out, that the board members for IEP are strictly volunteer based, and do not receive any form of financial compensation for their time and efforts.